Maskell Graphics, Inc.
Printing & Packaging Solutions
File Transfer Information
We can handle a wide variety of files from both Mac and PC.
InDesign files or PDF files are preferred.
Please compress files before sending and include all fonts and images used.
Please ensure that all files are CYMK.
If sending a photo or other artwork please send the native files (EPS, TIFF, etc).
For best results always ensure your images are high resolution (at least 300 dpi) and in CYMK color format.
This email method works for files less than 5mb in size.
Please email the files to
We accept files though
Email or FTP
For FTP upload of files you will need an FTP program.
If you do not currently have FTP software installed on your computer, you can download a version for free at
Connect to and use the following login information to sign on.
Please drag/drop or copy/paste your files in the folder named PasteFilesHere
Password: Maskell1 (the M is uppercase)
If you have any questions please call us at (818) 559-8771